Mask Network. 346 likes · 8 talking about this. Mask Network 是一款構建在現有的社交平臺上的開源產品,集去中心化隱私社交
Maskbook & OKB Red Packet Campaign 2020-05-11 We are proud to announce that Maskbook has established a partnership with the OKB Ecosystem. From now on, OKB holders can claim and give out OKB red packet by Maskbook on twitter. To celebrate the cooperation, Maskbook and OKB will launch a special campaign from May 11th to 16th.
But that's just the start. And more—in this week's da bing. Image Encryption in Maskbook. Prize Bounty. 1000 DAI. Challenge Description.
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L'extension Maskbook se présente indéniablement comme un outil indispensable si vous passez beaucoup de temps sur Twitter. Sans forcément être un adepte d' Uniswap , l'extension vous permet de consulter le cours de n'importe quelle cryptomonnaie en survolant son ticker, ce qui procure un certain confort lors de votre trading quotidien.
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Maskbook Version: iOS Version: Build Variant. Where do you get Maskbook? [ ] Store [ ] ZIP [ ] Self-Compiled Build Commit: /Optionally attach a Commit ID, if it is from an pre-release branch head/ Bug Info
Mask Network. 346 likes · 8 talking about this.
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Now #OwnYourData and enjoy financial autonomy across mainstream social network sites through encryption. De senaste tweetarna från @maskbook De senaste tweetarna från @realmaskbook It is also something Twitter could integrate over time, and not just for crypto assets either. However, whether they would respect user privacy while doing so, remains to be determined. It appears that Maskbook checks all of the right boxes, making their browser plugin well worth checking out. An Initial Twitter Offering (ITO) is a new kind of public offering conducted by Mask Network (Maskbook) through a set of protocols integrated into an Initial Dex Offering (IDO) mechanism.
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How to participate? 1. Install Maskbook: Click to download and install Maskbook.
There's no question that Twitter has received all kinds of hype this past year, but Lifehacker readers have generally been a touch wary of the micro-blogging service. So we're wondering: How many of you actually use Twitter? There's
Read more The idea of Maskbook was born during the first “Conclave” (see the action Conclave of the 21) organized by Art of Change 21 at the end of 2014.Chinese artist Wen Fang, who participated in this event, is credited with having thought of the name “Maskbook”: “In China we do not have Facebook, but since we are all wearing masks to protect us against pollution, if we had it, Facebook Mask Network is a portal to the new, open internet. With Mask Network, you can send encrypted posts to your friends, participate in cryptocurrency lucky-draws, and share encrypted files on the platforms you are already using. [ Simply Compose ] Composing an encrypted post is easy. Write and publish. That is it.
[ Seamlessly Decrypt ] Encrypted posts are automatically decrypted as you browse Mask Network. 261 likes · 81 talking about this. Maskbook 是一款構建在現有的社交平臺上的開源產品,集去中心化隱私社交、無國界支付網絡,去中心化文件存儲 / 分享、去中心化金融和治理(DAO)等於一體。 A link can be found on the Maskbook site.